April 23, 2021
Since July 7, 2020, myself and church leadership decided to follow our county official's mask mandate and require masks while attending worship services or events here at Rolling Hills. I do not think this was something that anyone was excited about but was willing to do whatever it takes to slow the spread of Covid-19.
With all that being said, I want to express my gratitude to all of those who have endured with us as we have attended worship services while complying with the mask requirements from our county and our leadership.
After much dialog with the other elders, we have decided to no longer REQUIRE masks at Rolling Hills, but we still HIGHLY RECOMMEND wearing a mask while you attend a worship service here at Rolling Hills.
Here is what that looks like:
In light of our updated mask recommendation, our volunteers will likely have more contact with individuals than a regular attendee on Sunday, and because of that, we are still requiring that all volunteers wear a mask while they serve on a Sunday morning.
For some of you, you are relieved by this news, for others, you are frustrated. Let me make something abundantly clear for all of us, we will remain faithful to Jesus regardless of our circumstances and we will continue to fight for unity as the Church. Church, we do not have enough time to complain about our circumstances, our mission is too critical and our time is too short.
If you or someone in your family is sick we ask you to worship from home. Please do not risk the health of your brothers and sisters by coming in person. We've included a link to the CDC website link for more information: CDC Website.
Church Online is a great way to worship as a church when not feeling well, please join us at https://live.rhcctopeka.org on Sundays at 10 am. Remember, Kids worship is still happening on Sundays at 9:15 am. Past services can be viewed anytime at www.rhcctopeka.org/messages and Kids worship can be viewed at www.rhcctopeka.org/kidsonline.
Pastor Matt
Lead Pastor
November 25, 2020
Hey Rolling Hills Family,
I am writing to you today to inform you and encourage you. If you worshipped with us this past weekend at for our Harvest Weekend, whether in -person or at Church Online, you would have heard the news at the end of service that we are moving our worship services back to online only.
This was a decision that myself and our leadership did not come to easily nor was it a decision we wanted to make, but we felt with the numbers that our county officials are putting out and with some of you contracting or being quarantined, we thought it would be best, because of our love for you and your safety, while we are in the "uncontrolled" (in the red) portion of the Shawnee County's Transmission and Severity Scorecard, that we would only worship online.
For some of you, you are relieved, for others, you are frustrated. Let me make something abundantly clear for all of us, we will remain faithful to Jesus regardless of our circumstances and we will continue to fight for unity. Church, we do not have enough time to complain about our circumstances; our mission is too critical and our time is too short.
Let me share with you one of my favorite stories from our nation's history:
In 1620, 102 individuals landed on the shores of Plymouth Rock. Less than 50 survived the first winter. The next year, the relief ship brought zero backup provisions and 35 more mouths to feed. In 1623 there was a famine. So bad that the diary of Governor William Bradford tells us that some days that each person was only rationed five kernels of corn.
But you know what ... they didn't waste time complaining about the kernels. Instead, they planted them! The next year rolled around, and instead of receiving another 5 kernels, they had themselves a FEAST!!! A celebration for the five kernels of corn and for the harvest of what each kernel produced.
I sometimes think we misunderstand the American Thanksgiving story. We think they were thankful for the feast, but thankfulness did not start at the time of feast, but at rationing of five kernels of corn. The point of this story is that they were thankful in the famine too.
I want to encourage you as a fully devoted follower of Jesus, even through this year, as a different crisis' have popped in your life, I want to encourage you to lean in Jesus during this holiday season. I've said it over and over and over and over again during these last 8 months, our God does not waste a crisis. Our God does not let our hurting stay hurting, but He brings in healing. Our God does not allow our chaos stay chaotic, but He brings us His comfort.
Today, sow the seeds of thankfulness. Tell God what you are thankful for. Let Him know that you see His blessings even in the midst of inconvenience, frustration and sadness. You might be surprised of the blessing that might come fixating our eyes on Jesus with thanksgiving and gratitude.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
Matt Brown
Lead Pastor
Since July 7, 2020, myself and church leadership decided to follow our county official's mask mandate and require masks while attending worship services or events here at Rolling Hills. I do not think this was something that anyone was excited about but was willing to do whatever it takes to slow the spread of Covid-19.
With all that being said, I want to express my gratitude to all of those who have endured with us as we have attended worship services while complying with the mask requirements from our county and our leadership.
After much dialog with the other elders, we have decided to no longer REQUIRE masks at Rolling Hills, but we still HIGHLY RECOMMEND wearing a mask while you attend a worship service here at Rolling Hills.
Here is what that looks like:
- We recommend that all attendees wear a mask while they attend a worship service.
- Attendees are free to remove their masks after they are seated. Because of close quarters in the worship center, we are also encouraging attendees to wear a mask during the singing portions of the service as well before and after the service during moments of fellowship where social distancing is not possible.
- If attendees choose to not wear a mask at Rolling Hills, we ask that you follow social distancing protocol and keep a minimum of 6 feet of distance between you and others to continue to slow the spread of the virus.
- Continue to utilize the hand sanitizer stations and wash hands frequently.
In light of our updated mask recommendation, our volunteers will likely have more contact with individuals than a regular attendee on Sunday, and because of that, we are still requiring that all volunteers wear a mask while they serve on a Sunday morning.
For some of you, you are relieved by this news, for others, you are frustrated. Let me make something abundantly clear for all of us, we will remain faithful to Jesus regardless of our circumstances and we will continue to fight for unity as the Church. Church, we do not have enough time to complain about our circumstances, our mission is too critical and our time is too short.
If you or someone in your family is sick we ask you to worship from home. Please do not risk the health of your brothers and sisters by coming in person. We've included a link to the CDC website link for more information: CDC Website.
Church Online is a great way to worship as a church when not feeling well, please join us at https://live.rhcctopeka.org on Sundays at 10 am. Remember, Kids worship is still happening on Sundays at 9:15 am. Past services can be viewed anytime at www.rhcctopeka.org/messages and Kids worship can be viewed at www.rhcctopeka.org/kidsonline.
Pastor Matt
Lead Pastor
November 25, 2020
Hey Rolling Hills Family,
I am writing to you today to inform you and encourage you. If you worshipped with us this past weekend at for our Harvest Weekend, whether in -person or at Church Online, you would have heard the news at the end of service that we are moving our worship services back to online only.
This was a decision that myself and our leadership did not come to easily nor was it a decision we wanted to make, but we felt with the numbers that our county officials are putting out and with some of you contracting or being quarantined, we thought it would be best, because of our love for you and your safety, while we are in the "uncontrolled" (in the red) portion of the Shawnee County's Transmission and Severity Scorecard, that we would only worship online.
For some of you, you are relieved, for others, you are frustrated. Let me make something abundantly clear for all of us, we will remain faithful to Jesus regardless of our circumstances and we will continue to fight for unity. Church, we do not have enough time to complain about our circumstances; our mission is too critical and our time is too short.
Let me share with you one of my favorite stories from our nation's history:
In 1620, 102 individuals landed on the shores of Plymouth Rock. Less than 50 survived the first winter. The next year, the relief ship brought zero backup provisions and 35 more mouths to feed. In 1623 there was a famine. So bad that the diary of Governor William Bradford tells us that some days that each person was only rationed five kernels of corn.
But you know what ... they didn't waste time complaining about the kernels. Instead, they planted them! The next year rolled around, and instead of receiving another 5 kernels, they had themselves a FEAST!!! A celebration for the five kernels of corn and for the harvest of what each kernel produced.
I sometimes think we misunderstand the American Thanksgiving story. We think they were thankful for the feast, but thankfulness did not start at the time of feast, but at rationing of five kernels of corn. The point of this story is that they were thankful in the famine too.
I want to encourage you as a fully devoted follower of Jesus, even through this year, as a different crisis' have popped in your life, I want to encourage you to lean in Jesus during this holiday season. I've said it over and over and over and over again during these last 8 months, our God does not waste a crisis. Our God does not let our hurting stay hurting, but He brings in healing. Our God does not allow our chaos stay chaotic, but He brings us His comfort.
Today, sow the seeds of thankfulness. Tell God what you are thankful for. Let Him know that you see His blessings even in the midst of inconvenience, frustration and sadness. You might be surprised of the blessing that might come fixating our eyes on Jesus with thanksgiving and gratitude.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
Matt Brown
Lead Pastor
July 7, 2020
June 30,2020
Hey Rolling Hills Family,
What a great three week it has been to be able to worship with you in person. I know for those of you who have been able to attend, that it has been good for you. And I also know that those who of you are still worshipping online, you too look forward to the day that we are safe and healthy and able to worship in-person again, but until there, we will continue to endure with hope.
Last night, myself and the leadership of Rolling Hills gathered together to discuss how we might continue to move forward. We spent the night discussing multiple ideas and pleading with God to give us wisdom and this is what we have decided for us in moving forward.
I light of the uptick in cases of the virus in our community and state, we have decided to keep things the same for in-person service and few slight changes to Church Online. Here is what things will look like through August 2nd:
- In-person Worship will begin at 10am.
- You will need to bring your own coffee or drink because we will not be serving an.
- With the uptick in COVID cases in our community, we are asking you to wear a mask while you attend worship in-person. We will have extra masks if you need one in the lobby for you if need be. Your leadership, myself and host team will also continue to wear masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
- We will sing 3 songs in worship.
- Communion will be either the prepackaged communion on your seats placed by the host team like the last 3 weeks or we will go to a 2 cup system with bread in one cup and juice in the another which will be handed to you in service by someone with a mask and gloves.
- Offering can still be given online at https://rhcctopeka.org/give or with the giving boxes placed in the worship center.
- We will continue to have a kids kit for your children to engage with during service since we will not be having Kids worship. Kids Online will continue live at 9:15am or watch anytime at https://rhcctopeka.org/kids. Parents regardless of what you plan to do, it is imperative that we do not miss out on this opportunity to disciple our children. If you have questions or more resources, do not hesitate to email me at [email protected].
- After service, we are encouraging you not to hangout in the building but engage one another outside all the while trying to maintain 6 feet of separation between others.
- Church Online Service times will be Saturdays at 7pm & Sundays at 10am. Saturday service will no longer have an online host for that service, but rather we are going to encourage anyone who is serving on Sundays, in whatever capacity, to worship on Saturday night. We want to continue to encourage you to chat with one another, we will still be able to receive your prayer requests. As you know, it is difficult to truly worship Jesus when you feel like you have something to do at some point in the service. We have also decided to remove our 11:30am online worship service to provide a better opportunity for us to connect. If you miss a worship service online or in-person, I encourage you to make time throughout the week watch at https://rhcctopeka.org/messages.
This was a difficult decision to be made. At the core of your leadership, we would love for the virus to be gone, not wear a mask and put more seats back in the worship center and no one concerned about their health, but we love you to much not to make this decision to protect our community.
In thinking about our decision this morning, I found this portion of scripture,
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him. The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. Lamentations 3:22-26
What is fascinating is that the entire book of Lamentations is about lamenting. What does lamenting mean? Simply means to mourn. Just a couple verses before, Jeremiah writes,
I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Lamentations 2:19-21
In the mourning of Jeremiah, recalling his affliction and pain that he has had to endure, he can still call upon the hope of the Lord. He can recognize that God is still good, no matter what. God knows what we are going through, and He has set a path before us that is full of hope. Keep enduring, keep persevering and keep your eyes on Jesus. Why? Because he will not disappoint like others would. Hope that is built on anything other than God will always disappoint.
Someone came up to me after service yesterday and told me, "I have been through a lot in life, but is great!” So despite how you feel about this pandemic, fearful or frustrated, let’s cling to the cross and endure with hope together!
Matt Brown
Lead Pastor
June 8th, 2020
Hey Rolling Hills Church Family!
I am writing this note to you with great joy and excitement! Last night, your leadership and I sat down to discuss and plan for our ReGathering scheduled for June 14th and I can say this, we plan to open the building back up this weekend for a in—person worship service.
Before I share this plan with you, I want to show you a couple pictures. Since the pandemic started, your leadership and I have prayed for you continuously and anxiously await your return to in—person worship services.
Hey Rolling Hills Church Family!
I am writing this note to you with great joy and excitement! Last night, your leadership and I sat down to discuss and plan for our ReGathering scheduled for June 14th and I can say this, we plan to open the building back up this weekend for a in—person worship service.
Before I share this plan with you, I want to show you a couple pictures. Since the pandemic started, your leadership and I have prayed for you continuously and anxiously await your return to in—person worship services.
Here is what to expect for the next 3 weeks of worship at Rolling Hills Christian Church:
- Worship will begin at 10am and will last between 45-50 minutes.
- You will need to bring your own coffee or drink because we will not be serving any for the first 3 weeks.
- We are encouraging you to wear a mask, but not mandating that. We will have extra masks in the lobby for you if need be. Your leadership, myself and host team will be wearing masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
- We will sing 3 songs in worship.
- Communion will be placed on your seat before service by our host team and there will be offering boxes places in the worship center and lobby for you to place your gifts. Online giving will still be available.
- We will have kids kit for your children to engage with during service since we will not be having Kids worship.
- After service, we are encouraging you not to hangout in the building but engage one another outside all the while tryin got maintain 6 feet of separation between others.
We could not be more excited to see you and worship with you in person. I recognize that many of us are sitting in different places in thought and life about your return to in—person services. If you are fearful remember to choose faith. If you are a person who is at risk, remember to use wisdom. And above all else, let’s remember to love one another as Christ loved us.
For those of you staying home, I’d like to let you know that Church Online will continue at the same service times throughout the month of June. Your leadership and I will continue to discuss what is best for Rolling Hills in the next weeks and months ahead of us.
In this new normal, I just want to continue to encourage you, if you call Rolling Hills your church home, to continue to give faithfully with an irrational spirit. Keep serving like Jesus. Keep praying boldly. Keeping doing whatever it takes to reach people who do not know Jesus! Why? Because we are the church and we bring hope into the world!
Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God alone),
Matt Brown
Lead Pastor
May 8, 2020
Hey Rolling Hills Family,
It has been two months since I have seen some of you. That is almost too long to go without worshiping together (in my opinion). But as we have said every week in this pandemic, God is bigger and is working in all things together!
Myself and your leadership met early this last week to discuss our reintegration plan to our in person worship services. With taking the state and county recommendations, we are making tentative plans to hold our first in—person worship service June 7th at 10am. This is the first Sunday, per Phase 3 of Governor Kelly’s plan. All of this is contingent on the phases not being pushed back because of new upswing in cases or deaths that result us pushing that date back.
We feel confidently that we will be able to hold services safely and while practicing physical distancing. That being said, in June, we will not be having Sunday School at 9am or Kids Worship during our 10am service. Myself and our leadership will be evaluating each week per Sundays and the new information, if any, from our government officials in order to return those portions of our ministry.
We will also not be serving coffee, drinks or snacks the first two week to ensure the health and safety of everyone. We will be rearranging our worship center to accommodate physical distancing as well preparing a few classrooms for overflow viewing and participation in the service.
We also will not be passing an offering plate, but still encouraging you to give online, but for those of you who are still sending in your tithe, you can still mail it in or utilize our new offering boxes that will be installed in the worship center and the lobby. We will still take communion as church family, but will be taking the necessary precautions and will not be passing the trays through the room.
If you or someone in your family is sick we ask you to worship from home. Church Online will still be happening at https://live.rhcctopeka.org Saturdays at 7p and Sundays at 10a & 11am with kids worship on Sundays at 9:15a. You can watch the services anytime at www.rhcctopeka.org/messages and for kids at www.rhcctopeka.org/kids.
We look forward to our return! In the meantime, Stay healthy. Wash your hands. Pray Boldly. Live with RADICAL FAITH, peace, hope and love. We know we must be wise about our own physical health which is why we are taking these precautions for our in—person worship services.
Matt Brown
Lead Pastor
**UPDATE** as March 17th
Rolling Hills Family,
As you know, Coronavirus (COVID-19) has presented us with a situation none of us have been in before. Information is changing day by day, and can be difficult to keep track. As of yesterday (March 16), the Center for Disease Control recommended the cancellation or postponement of all public gatherings of 50 or more people. With this decision, for the next two weeks, we will be cancelling our in-person worship service gathering, but will be moving to an online platform to stream our service for you and your family to engage in.
You can participate and view the service at rhcctopeka.online.church. We will be streaming our services at the following times: Sunday at 10am, 11:30am and 4pm. This is going to be a powerful resource that will allow you to chat with others during the service, review message notes while taking notes for yourself and use the Bible all in one place. We will also be streaming our service on Facebook at 10am.
Why so many services?
We want to take this opportunity to digitally connect with as many people as possible who might never set foot in a church building. One of our values to is “Do whatever it takes” to reach people who are far from Christ and we believe we can do that by promoting our online worship services through social media. This also means we will need your help in sharing our services to others. Invite them via text, email or facebook.
We plan to also stream a kids service as well at rhcctopeka.online.church at 11am and 1pm on Sunday.
While saddened that we will not be able to gather physically at our church building, we're still the Church and we will continue to minister to our community. Additionally, we are continuing to brainstorm how we can continue to inspire you in your spiritual journey through out the weeks. Stay tuned for updates from us via email or social media. If you know someone who attends Rolling Hills and does not have either means of communication, please take it upon yourself and share with them this information. We are going to do our very best to get this info out as best as we can.
However, in an abundance of caution, we are closing our facilities and cancelling any scheduled activities at our campus. It is also recommended to refrain from coming into the office unless it is an urgent matter. Our team has been working around the clock and in their spare time and late into the evenings to respond to this crisis, to be prepared, to be creative with how we still do our jobs and to create additional resources for you, because we care about each of you and your health and safety matter to us. Thank you for all of your prayers during this rapidly changing time.
Remember that you can continue to support what God is doing in and through Rolling Hills Christian Church by securely giving online at rhcctopeka.org/give. If you haven’t had the opportunity to try out this resource, now is the time to do so.
I know you will likely have additional questions and we will continue to communicate updates and changes through email and social media. I ask that you continue to pray for all those who are at risk, our medical professional and those in decision making positions.
March 12th
Hello Church Family and Friends. I want to take a couple moments to answer some questions that you may have about how we are responding to the coronavirus as it pertains to our weekend worship services and events.
First, as fully devoted followers of Jesus, we are invited to be strong and courageous and to not let fear and anxiety overcome us (Joshua 1:9; Psalm 23:4; Psalm 34:4; Psalm 55:22; John 14:27; Philippians 4:6-7; Matthew 6:25-34. Hebrews 13:6; 2 Timothy 1:7; Colossians 3:15). We also will not hide or ignore what is happening in the world; We trust God because we have a RADICAL FAITH in His love, power, grace, truth, peace and will.
Secondly, we are encouraged to PRAY BOLDLY. We will continue to be a church that prays bold prayers because we know the ONE who is worthy to bring our requests to which include fears, anxieties, worries and so much more. 1 Peter 5:7 says, ”Cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you.” Nothing is nothing too little or too big for our God and He is more than capable!
At Rolling Hills, we are taking specific precautions that follow the best practices outlined first by the State of Kansas and health officials. We will continue to follow guidelines for religious services as they are issued by the state government and health officials. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/organizations/guidance-community-faith-organizations.html
Is Rolling Hills Christian Church still meeting on Sundays?
YES. Continue to follow us on social media for the up-to-date information about our services. We will continue to have our podcast available at www.rhcctopeka.org/messages, Google Podcast, Spotify or Apple Podcasts and are working on having a livestream option moving forward to stay connected to one another.
What precautions is Rolling Hills taking at this time?
What should I do if I feel sick?
If you or someone in your family is sick we ask you to worship from home. We offer our services on Spotify, Apple Podcast and YouTube. Here is the official response from the CDC on how you should approach illness during this season: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/…/about/steps-when-sick.html.
What are you doing to keep my kids safe?
Each child will have their hands sanitized prior to entering the kids spaces. This is in addition to the continual best practices that RHCC Kids follows by individually disinfecting toys before and after every service. We will also be limiting the type of toys, games and activities the kids play to keep physical contact to a minimal.
What can I do?
Stay healthy. Wash your hands. Pray Boldly. Live with RADICAL FAITH, peace, hope and love. Come worship with us on Sunday! We know we must be wise about our own physical health. The CDC has put out an article on how to maintain healthy environments for you and your family. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/protect/index.html
We are going to take the necessary precautions to ensure that we continue to provide a great experience for all those who attend Rolling Hills. Our commitment to excellence in every area of ministry includes our cleanliness. Our plan is to continue to offer our worship service in person. If this is to change, we are preparing to offer a weekend service via livestream. Myself and our leadership are praying for protection for you, your family and for the greater Topeka area. We are here for you!
Matt Brown
Rolling Hills Christian Church, Lead Pastor
Rolling Hills Family,
As you know, Coronavirus (COVID-19) has presented us with a situation none of us have been in before. Information is changing day by day, and can be difficult to keep track. As of yesterday (March 16), the Center for Disease Control recommended the cancellation or postponement of all public gatherings of 50 or more people. With this decision, for the next two weeks, we will be cancelling our in-person worship service gathering, but will be moving to an online platform to stream our service for you and your family to engage in.
You can participate and view the service at rhcctopeka.online.church. We will be streaming our services at the following times: Sunday at 10am, 11:30am and 4pm. This is going to be a powerful resource that will allow you to chat with others during the service, review message notes while taking notes for yourself and use the Bible all in one place. We will also be streaming our service on Facebook at 10am.
Why so many services?
We want to take this opportunity to digitally connect with as many people as possible who might never set foot in a church building. One of our values to is “Do whatever it takes” to reach people who are far from Christ and we believe we can do that by promoting our online worship services through social media. This also means we will need your help in sharing our services to others. Invite them via text, email or facebook.
We plan to also stream a kids service as well at rhcctopeka.online.church at 11am and 1pm on Sunday.
While saddened that we will not be able to gather physically at our church building, we're still the Church and we will continue to minister to our community. Additionally, we are continuing to brainstorm how we can continue to inspire you in your spiritual journey through out the weeks. Stay tuned for updates from us via email or social media. If you know someone who attends Rolling Hills and does not have either means of communication, please take it upon yourself and share with them this information. We are going to do our very best to get this info out as best as we can.
However, in an abundance of caution, we are closing our facilities and cancelling any scheduled activities at our campus. It is also recommended to refrain from coming into the office unless it is an urgent matter. Our team has been working around the clock and in their spare time and late into the evenings to respond to this crisis, to be prepared, to be creative with how we still do our jobs and to create additional resources for you, because we care about each of you and your health and safety matter to us. Thank you for all of your prayers during this rapidly changing time.
Remember that you can continue to support what God is doing in and through Rolling Hills Christian Church by securely giving online at rhcctopeka.org/give. If you haven’t had the opportunity to try out this resource, now is the time to do so.
I know you will likely have additional questions and we will continue to communicate updates and changes through email and social media. I ask that you continue to pray for all those who are at risk, our medical professional and those in decision making positions.
March 12th
Hello Church Family and Friends. I want to take a couple moments to answer some questions that you may have about how we are responding to the coronavirus as it pertains to our weekend worship services and events.
First, as fully devoted followers of Jesus, we are invited to be strong and courageous and to not let fear and anxiety overcome us (Joshua 1:9; Psalm 23:4; Psalm 34:4; Psalm 55:22; John 14:27; Philippians 4:6-7; Matthew 6:25-34. Hebrews 13:6; 2 Timothy 1:7; Colossians 3:15). We also will not hide or ignore what is happening in the world; We trust God because we have a RADICAL FAITH in His love, power, grace, truth, peace and will.
Secondly, we are encouraged to PRAY BOLDLY. We will continue to be a church that prays bold prayers because we know the ONE who is worthy to bring our requests to which include fears, anxieties, worries and so much more. 1 Peter 5:7 says, ”Cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you.” Nothing is nothing too little or too big for our God and He is more than capable!
At Rolling Hills, we are taking specific precautions that follow the best practices outlined first by the State of Kansas and health officials. We will continue to follow guidelines for religious services as they are issued by the state government and health officials. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/organizations/guidance-community-faith-organizations.html
Is Rolling Hills Christian Church still meeting on Sundays?
YES. Continue to follow us on social media for the up-to-date information about our services. We will continue to have our podcast available at www.rhcctopeka.org/messages, Google Podcast, Spotify or Apple Podcasts and are working on having a livestream option moving forward to stay connected to one another.
What precautions is Rolling Hills taking at this time?
- DISINFECTING: We will be disinfecting high-touch/common surface areas like doorknobs, handles, chairs and tables prior to each service in addition to the RHCC Kids areas that we already disinfect weekly (toys, supplies, etc).
- GIVING: We encourage online giving (www.rhcctopeka.org/give). If you give in cash or check there will be baskets at the back of the room near the exit where you may place your giving.
- GREETING: We encourage greeting by waving and smiling, and not hand-shaking or hugging.
- SIGNAGE: We will place additional signs at key areas reminding people to wash their hands for 20 seconds to prevent the spread of any illness.
What should I do if I feel sick?
If you or someone in your family is sick we ask you to worship from home. We offer our services on Spotify, Apple Podcast and YouTube. Here is the official response from the CDC on how you should approach illness during this season: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/…/about/steps-when-sick.html.
What are you doing to keep my kids safe?
Each child will have their hands sanitized prior to entering the kids spaces. This is in addition to the continual best practices that RHCC Kids follows by individually disinfecting toys before and after every service. We will also be limiting the type of toys, games and activities the kids play to keep physical contact to a minimal.
What can I do?
Stay healthy. Wash your hands. Pray Boldly. Live with RADICAL FAITH, peace, hope and love. Come worship with us on Sunday! We know we must be wise about our own physical health. The CDC has put out an article on how to maintain healthy environments for you and your family. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/protect/index.html
We are going to take the necessary precautions to ensure that we continue to provide a great experience for all those who attend Rolling Hills. Our commitment to excellence in every area of ministry includes our cleanliness. Our plan is to continue to offer our worship service in person. If this is to change, we are preparing to offer a weekend service via livestream. Myself and our leadership are praying for protection for you, your family and for the greater Topeka area. We are here for you!
Matt Brown
Rolling Hills Christian Church, Lead Pastor