Support Courtney & the Seehorns by bringing these items with you on Sunday in the lobby
Suitcase Give-Away Items Needed
- Clothes for children & adults
- girls: dresses, underwear, socks
- boys: shorts, jean socks
- kids: sweatshirts, light jackets
- women: polo-type shirts (pullover shirts)
- men: baseball type caps, socks
- Toys: bouncy balls, baby dolls, matchbox cars, jump rope, balloons, etc.
- Medicine: Tylenol, ibuprofen, tums, Pepto-Bismol tablets, antibiotic ointment, anti-fungal cream, steroid cream, cough drops, eye drops, bandages, gloves, mask, bengay, tiger balm, asper cream, adult's and childrens vitamins (chewable), lotrimin, clotrimazole, miconazole, children's cough syrup
- Toothbrushes and small toothpastes
- Reading glasses (non prescription)
- "Bic" type pens and #2 pencils
- Rubber bands
- Hard Candy (NO CHOCOLATE)
- Safety Pins
- Clothes pins