Welcome to the Host Team!
Host Team Mission:
Create a welcoming environment so that people’s
hearts are open to the truth of God’s word.
Create a welcoming environment so that people’s
hearts are open to the truth of God’s word.
Before you get started
We are so glad that you have expressed interested in joining the Host Team here at Rolling Hills! The Host Team is a frontline ministry and what we mean by that is those who serve on the Host Team are usually the first people to meet someone visiting Rolling Hills. As a volunteer, you have the unique opportunity to engage someone on their first day, help them feel welcomed and help make their visit something special that would encourage them to come back the next week. No pressure right?!? Don't fret, that is why we have created this training content for you. This training will equip you to serve in a way that gives you the confidence to engage people each week you serve. Make sure you download the training guide before you start the video so you can follow along. After you have completed the training, email Matt at [email protected] to connect with you further about the Host Team.
We are glad you are here! Let's serve like Jesus together!
We are glad you are here! Let's serve like Jesus together!
Download the Host Team Training Guide