Whether you are just starting your journey with Jesus or you have been a follower for a long time, we are all called to follow Jesus in baptism.
Connect with us if you would like more information about baptism or would like to be baptized by clicking the button below.
Frequently Asked Questions
To help and encourage you, we have answered below some of the most common questions that people have asked us about baptism below. Our hope is that you’ll gain some understanding and prayerfully consider being baptized, as you continue on your journey of becoming fully-devoted followers of Jesus.
What is baptism?
The Bible teaches that baptism is a first step of obedience after making a commitment to Christ. Baptism allows a believer to communicate to the world their heart-felt commitment to Christ. The word “baptize” means “to plunge, dip or submerge.” So baptism is the physical act of being completely submerged under water. Baptism was a physical act that from the first day of the church in the book of Acts 2 was practiced by everyone who had made a decision to follow Jesus.
Who should be baptized?
There are three primary characteristics of people who were baptized in the New Testament:
• They confessed that they were sinners. (Acts 2:37)
• They repented. (Acts 2:38)
• And they believed the good news about Jesus. (Acts 16:31)
Why baptism by immersion?
We practice baptism by immersion because it is our desire to practice biblical principles and ordinances the way they were originally practiced in the New Testament in the first century church. We also see from the book of Romans chapter 6 that baptism is a symbol of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. So we believe baptism by immersion best represents that symbol from the Bible.
What do I wear?
Dress in clothes you don’t mind getting wet! You should wear a dark shirt and shorts. Remember to bring a change of clothes to wear home. There is a changing room available. Please bring a towel.
The Bible teaches that baptism is a first step of obedience after making a commitment to Christ. Baptism allows a believer to communicate to the world their heart-felt commitment to Christ. The word “baptize” means “to plunge, dip or submerge.” So baptism is the physical act of being completely submerged under water. Baptism was a physical act that from the first day of the church in the book of Acts 2 was practiced by everyone who had made a decision to follow Jesus.
Who should be baptized?
There are three primary characteristics of people who were baptized in the New Testament:
• They confessed that they were sinners. (Acts 2:37)
• They repented. (Acts 2:38)
• And they believed the good news about Jesus. (Acts 16:31)
Why baptism by immersion?
We practice baptism by immersion because it is our desire to practice biblical principles and ordinances the way they were originally practiced in the New Testament in the first century church. We also see from the book of Romans chapter 6 that baptism is a symbol of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. So we believe baptism by immersion best represents that symbol from the Bible.
What do I wear?
Dress in clothes you don’t mind getting wet! You should wear a dark shirt and shorts. Remember to bring a change of clothes to wear home. There is a changing room available. Please bring a towel.